- The UVM ecoinformatics collaboratory: GrOWL
GrOWL is the Ecoinformatics Collaboratory's answer to the need of intuitive knowledge visualization and editing tools. GrOWL is open source, written in Java, and it can be downloaded in the download section of this site.
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- The WebKit Open Source Project - Building WebKit
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- TinyApps.Org : Home
Specializes in small applications. Portable applications are marked with a "+".
A guide to small software for your PC.
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- Top 40 Free Downloadable Open Source Social Networking Software | Vivalogo Resources
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- Universal Encoding Detector: character encoding auto-detection in Python
Character encoding auto-detection in Python 2 and 3. As smart as your browser. Open source.
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- urlShort - Open Source URL Shortener
* All URL data contained in a MySQL database, making it easy to back up and manage.\n * Automatic installation and easy customization.\n * Simple and clean interface for both user and administration functions.\n * Full API to allow other services and websites to interact with your short URL service.\n * URL preview functionality keeps your users safe, and lets them know where they're going.\n * Inline media embeds provide quick access to MP3, FLV, or image files.\n * Ability to choose custom short names/aliases for personalized and identifiable short URLs.\n * Cross-platform and cross-browser appearance.\n * 100% free and open source - Do whatever you want with it, no catches.
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- Vienna (-)
Vienna is a freeware, open source RSS/Atom newsreader for the Mac OS X operating system. It provides features comparable to commercial newsreaders, but both it and the source code are freely available for download.
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- Web Form Factory (v0.1.3 beta) - Open Source Web Form Generator
Web Form Factory is an open source web form generator which automatically generates the necessary backend code to tie your form to a database. By generating the backend code for you, WFF saves you time... time you could spend doing more interesting stuff. Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webformfactory.com
Web Form Factory, (WFF) is a web form generator which automatically generates tested web form code that you can use with PHP4/PHP5
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- Welcome to MusicBrainz! - MusicBrainz
You can use Musicbrainz right now to automatically identify and label your music files — all you have to do is download and run a MusicBrainz enabled tagger. Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fmusicbrainz.org
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- Wengo, an open source skype
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- XLogo - A Logo learning and drawing application built for Mac OS X
LOGO is a dialect of Lisp, and was first developed in the 1970's to be used as a teaching language. XLogo implements a subset of this language, it is freeware, open source, and is designed to be easy to use.
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- Zimbra - Home
It's an open source server and client system for enterprise messaging and collaboration email, contacts, and group calendaring. It has open APIs and a lot of potential for mashups. I was very impressed, desktop type interface with filders and tags.
Zimbra provides open source email and calendar groupware software, Zimbra is a popular choice for Linux and Mac OS X email servers and supports SaaS deployment, appliances and virtualization platforms.
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