- Process Wizard 1.1
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- Processing 1.0 (BETA)
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook
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- Project SIKULI
Easy visual programming using screenshots!
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- Proteus
Multi-protocol Proteus is an Instant Messenger that uses the IM framework libpurple and is written using Mac OS X's API Cocoa. Proteus attempts to bridge the gap between functionality and beauty, using native the Mac interface with a powerful core to get your hard core instant messaging done.
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- Q - [kju:] - cpu emulator for macintosh
Q is based on the excellent open source CPU emulator QEMU from Fabrice Bellard. Pierre d'Herbemont from stegefin.free.fr ported QEMU to OS X and initiated a cocoa Version.
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- QRMillX - Osamu Shigematsu's PukiWiki (-)
Mac os X RQ-code generator
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- Rainer Brockerhoff
Nudge Contextual Menu
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- Rainer Brockerhoff :: XRay :: Overview
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- RCDefaultApp
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- ResExcellence | Everything You Need To Customize Your Mac OS
ResExcellence | Everything You Need To Customize Your Mac OS
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- ResExcellence | Icons
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- Ridiculopathy.com: glider
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- rubyosx - Ruby One-Click Installer for OSX
This package is the most simple way to equip your Macintosh Apple OSX System with Ruby
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- Safari Bookmark Exchanger
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- Safari Retrospect
Blog of PHP Developer and Mac user Joakim Nygård. Also the home of Mac OS X applications ShowOff, ShowOff Widget and Retrospective.
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- Scratch | Home | imagine, program, share
Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.
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- ScribbleScreen
ScribbleScreen is a presentation tool allowing you to write directly onto the screen
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- Scribus :: Open Source Desktop Publishing for Linux, Mac OS® X and Windows®
Illustrator like open source vector editor. Scribus/Aqua is a port of Scribus to a native Aqua build using Qt Free for MacOSX
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- Seashore - Download
Cocoa gimp
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- Secrets
hidden plist settings everyone can add here - not much yet
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