- ashberg.de - PHP-Barcode Download
ne barcode-encoder which uses GNU-B
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- ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial
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- Asynchronous File Upload - YUI’s Approach Ajax
Code Central shows example with php backend
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- Automatic import of CSV files to Mysql Using PHP - WebDeveloper.com
PHP Discussion and technical support for using and deploying PHP based websites. Search Forums Show Threads Show Posts Tag Search Advanced Search Go to Page... Thread Tools Search this Thread Rate Thread Display Modes #1 11-18-2008, 11:23 PM Shanu.chaudhary Registered User Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Mumbai, India Posts: 160 Automatic import of CSV files to Mysql Using PHP Hi all, I dont know whether there is a solution for my problem, But Am very greatful to everyone if I find a solution to this. Here is the Requirement... I am getting CSV files from another website which are updating for every 10 mins. (the file contains the products lists and its details). Now what I am doing is just downloading the CSV file and uploading
in Public bookmarks with csv mysql php programmering programming
- Blinkenlights.se
Forum och artiklar om programmering & spelutveckling
in Public bookmarks with programmering
- Build your own Web Service with PHP and XML-RPC [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]
Harry takes us one step further into the world of Web Services. Here he explains how to build your own Web Service - a news feed - using PHP and XML-RPC.
in Public bookmarks with php programmering programming webservice by 3 users
- Bungee Connect
Enkel utveckling på webben. Ett eget språk och ramverk för att utveckla webbapplikationer
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- CakePHP
the rapid development php framework. Home
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- Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing
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- Canoo WebTest
Detta verkar häftigt. Kan bygga hela sidor som kontrollerar var man är placerad tex i Google.
Canoo WebTest is a free Open Source tool for automated testing of web applications in a very effective way. Look at for a features' overview.
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- Capistrano
Automating tasks with a framwork developed in Ruby.
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- Check it, don't select it
Form Check box javascript
C82.net is a site dedicated to the personal and business works of Nicholas Rougeux (creativ82). Works include inspirational fractal posters, calendars, abstract art, and web design.
in Public bookmarks with javascript programmering
- Cocoon Main Site - Welcome
Webdevelopment framwork
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- Code Generation Network
Generators for PHP
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- Code snippets
Library of code snippets and classes
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- Code Snippets
in Public bookmarks with code programmering programming by 5 users
- Common Task QuickStart Tutorial .NET tutorial
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- Create an Excel data entry form that includes check boxes
Microsoft Office | TechRepublic.com
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- css Zen Garden
The Beauty in CSS Design
A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design.
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in Public bookmarks with css programmering webdesign by 91 users
- curl.js (with IE 6/7 support)
javascript klass för ändring av bilder
in Public bookmarks with graphic javascript programmering by 3 users
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