blinklist Blinklist is building the Ultimate list of websites people care about, starting with you. Blinklist enables you to rapidly save, label and comment on any webpage you like. The fun starts when you discover other people who have done the same, as well what links they have saved! By wfhstevein web 2.0with 2.0blinklistbuildingcarepeopleultimatewebwebsites
Blinklist | The #1 Start Page on the Internet Blinklist allows you to rapidly bookmark, label and comment on any web page on the Internet. Your sites are organized intuitively using a new system called 'tagging'. You can then access your list of sites from any machine or share your lists with anyone on the Internet. By scottin Social Bookmarkswith bookmarkstagging
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.