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These are the public entries for this link:

  • Amie Street
    No DRM; Barenaked Ladies Now Selling Here; Price rises from 0 to 98 cents based on demand; slow server
    Amie Street empowers musicians to release, and music fans to discover, new and independent music in an online marketplace where listeners decide the price. Music fans can search for new music according to its price, genre, region, number of recommendations, as well as browsing the homepages of other Amie Street members. Musicians upload their music at no initial cost or risk (Amie
    By onemandog in MUSIC with **music**
  • Amie Street
    Musikdownloads ohne DRM. Zu Beginn ist ein Song kostenlos; mit steigender PopularitÀt steigt auch der Preis (bis max. 0,98 USD)
    Amie Street empowers musicians to release, and music fans to discover, new and independent music in an online marketplace where listeners decide the price. Music fans can search for new music according to its price, genre, region, number of recommendations, as well as browsing the homepages of other Amie Street members. Musicians upload their music at no initial cost or risk (Amie
    By diskostu in Public bookmarks with download kaufen musik

NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.

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