This page shows information about a web page, and who has bookmarked it and when
These are the public entries for this link:
- Web 3.0
When Web Sites Become Web Services
Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites ar
By uberbeek in Public bookmarks with specific_topics web_scraping xmarks
- Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services - ReadWriteWeb
Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways ...
Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites ar
By martinostlund in Public bookmarks with computers humans information paradox stuck terabytes todays web
- Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways ...
Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites ar
By mattgundersen in Spatial & ThoughtClick with computers humans information spatial terabytes thoughtclick todays web
- Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites ar
By sid0074u in Public bookmarks with service web web3.0
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.