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These are the public entries for this link:

  • Tips for Preventing Childhood Cavities
    Getting kids to brush properly can be a little like bathing a cat. Combine that with some of the sugary treats they get from time-to-time and it is a recipe for disaster. So, how is a parent supposed to help prevent childhood cavities? It can be tricky, but we have a few helpful tips that can help keep your children’s mouths healthy.
    By kevinrights in Health with childhood-cavities..
  • Caring for Your Smile After Cosmetic Dentistry
    Cosmetic dentistry can work wonders, not just for your smile but also for your self-esteem. However, it is not cheap. It takes time and money to make your smile look gorgeous. So, it is vital to take steps to preserve that work. That is true whether you have had a simple teeth whitening procedure or a more in-depth cosmetic treatment.
    By kevinrights in Health with cosmetic-dentistry..
  • How to Tell When a Tooth Needs to Be Extracted
    Like other health issues, the sooner you see a dentist for tooth pain, the better the outcome is likely. However, many people put off getting dental care when they need it. That can lead to more serious dental problems, including the need for extractions. While only a dentist can determine whether or not you need an extraction, here are some warning signs you should know.
    By kevinrights in Health with tooth-extraction!
  • Experience The Best Cosmetic & General Dentist in NJ
    Achieving your optimal dental care is more convenient than ever at Comprehensive Dentistry. Our goal is to make every facet of dental care as stress-free as possible for you. We provide a broad spectrum of dental services under one roof. You and your family deserve to receive high-quality, comprehensive care from a team you know and trust.
    By kevinrights in Health with general-dentist1
  • Can Teeth Heal Themselves?
    One of the top questions we get is whether teeth can heal themselves. It is a good question because there is a lot of misinformation out there. You can find people online saying that they have natural ways to heal cavities, cracks, and other damage to your teeth. Are these people onto something or is it too good to be true?
    By kevinrights in Health with dentist-.

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