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These are the public entries for this link:

  • [EN] Enterprise information management | Wikipedia
    Enterprise information management | Wikipedia | Enterprise information management is the name for the field that combines business intelligence (BI) and enterprise content management (ECM). Enterprise information management (EIM) takes these two approaches to managing information one step further, in that it approaches the information management discussion from an enterprise perspective. Where BI and ECM respectively manage structured and unstructured information, EIM does not make this rather "technical" distinction. It approaches the management of information from the perspective of enterprise information strategy, based on the needs of information workers. ECM and BI in a sense choose a denominationalised approach, since they only cover part of the in...
    By UKff in Public bookmarks with [en] ecm eim enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management trends wikipedia
  • [EN] Enterprise information management | Wikipedia
    Enterprise information management | Wikipedia | Enterprise information management is the name for the field that combines business intelligence (BI) and enterprise content management (ECM). Enterprise information management (EIM) takes these two approaches to managing information one step further, in that it approaches the information management discussion from an enterprise perspective. Where BI and ECM respectively manage structured and unstructured information, EIM does not make this rather "technical" distinction. It approaches the management of information from the perspective of enterprise information strategy, based on the needs of information workers. ECM and BI in a sense choose a denominationalised approach, since they only cover part of the in...
    By PROJECTCONSULT in Public bookmarks with [en] ecm eim enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management imported trends wikipedia

NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.