This page shows information about a web page, and who has bookmarked it and when
These are the public entries for this link:
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
Over 700 definitions and hundreds of articles on the paranormal, the occult, the supernatural, and the pseudoscientific written from a skeptic's point of view, in defense of reason, science, and critical thinking, and opposing superstition, fraud, deception, and irrationality.
By athindrans in Bookmarks Toolbar > Pers with 700 articles definitions hundreds occult paranormal pers supernatural
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
By trio in Public bookmarks with dictionary religio religion vortaro
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with atheism conspiracy criticalthinking dictionaries education encyclopedia fun humor information interesting logic occult paranormal pseudoscience reference resources science skeptic skeptics thinking
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
By sylwanius in Ressursar > Oppslagsverk with system:unfiled
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
By varna in Language with aleternative dictionary funny
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.