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These are the public entries for this link:
- Euclid's Elements, Introduction
This dynamically illustrated edition of Euclid's Elements includes 13 books on plane geometry, geometric and abstract algebra, number theory, incommensurables, and solid geometry.
circle elements euclid geometry greek history mathematics number proposition theory triangle
By arthur0 in hobbies > science > math with system:unfiled
- Euclid's Elements, Introduction
This dynamically illustrated edition of Euclid's Elements includes 13 books on plane geometry, geometric and abstract algebra, number theory, incommensurables, and solid geometry.
circle elements euclid geometry greek history mathematics number proposition theory triangle
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with education elearning elements euclid geometry interactive java maths
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.