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These are the public entries for this link:
- Qipit - Copy and share documents
Copy documents, whiteboards and handwritten notes with your camera phone or digital camera to store, fax, email or publish! The Qipit service is based on sophisticated image-processing algorithms that transform your documents into crisp and clear images.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with email fax mobile online pdf photos service tools
- Qipit
Copy and share documents
By kapluni in Public bookmarks with documents share
- Qipit - Copy and share documents
Copy documents, whiteboards and handwritten notes with your camera phone or digital camera to store, fax, email or publish! Turn documents, notes and whiteboards into digital copies (PDFs)
By goeasy in Software > File Conversion with conversion copy digital documents pdf photography photos
- Qipit
Copy and share documents
By johnrod in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with mobile
- Qipit - Copy and share documents
Copy documents, whiteboards and handwritten notes with your camera phone or digital camera to store, fax, email or publish!
By irishdancer0215 in Public bookmarks with bookmarks_menu delicious_bookmarks
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.