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  • Judge Judy
    Judge Judy Sheindlin is back with a new TV courtroom program you can stream on IMDb daily. Known for making fair decisions on real cases, Judy Justice TV offers brand new insight into the lives and cases of people from all over the country. The Judy Justice court is now accepting case submissions for appearances on the show, where you can have a chance at justice in front of a live courtroom audience!!
    By kevinrights in Lawyer with judgejudys
  • Judy Justice Daily Streaming
    Judge Judy is returning for an IMDb original series where she serves justice in cases from people from all over the country. Joined by her granddaughter Sarah Rose as the court’s law clerk, you can expect Judy to hand out her popular brand of justice every weekday!!
    By kevinrights in Public bookmarks with judy-justice-daily-streaming

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