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These are the public entries for this link:
- Sanskrit Documents Collection
Welcome to the compilation of Sanskrit documents, available in Devanagari display or transliteration format, and various tools to learn Sanskrit such as the online dictionary, Devanagari processing software and more. We encourage you to participate in these efforts by reviewing, encoding, spreading the word, and implementing available resources to make Sanskrit learning easier.
bindu documents e-text etext etexts ganesha god links resources sanskrit sanskrut shakti shiva spanda sphota stotra svara texts
By rmg3000 in marathi with system:unfiled
- Sanskrit Documents Collection
Welcome to the compilation of Sanskrit documents, available in Devanagari display or transliteration format, and various tools to learn Sanskrit such as the online dictionary, Devanagari processing software and more. We encourage you to participate in these efforts by reviewing, encoding, spreading the word, and implementing available resources to make Sanskrit learning easier.
bindu documents e-text etext etexts ganesha god links resources sanskrit sanskrut shakti shiva spanda sphota stotra svara texts
By rhariharasudhan in Public bookmarks with chanting devo documents sanskrit stotras
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.