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- Food Pyramids: Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health
This simple illustration conveyed in a flash what the USDA said were the elements of a healthy diet. The Pyramid was taught in schools, ...
Harvard School of Public Health's Healthy Eating Plate and Pyramid, based on the latest nutrition science, can point you to the healthiest foods. MyPlate, in contrast, fails to give some of the basic nutrition advice people need to choose a healthy diet.
By loserclub12 in Public bookmarks with diet healthy
- Food Pyramids: Harvard School of Public Health (f)
As an alternative to the USDA's flawed pyramid, faculty members in the Harvard School of Public Health built the Healthy Eating Pyramid. It resembles the USDA's in shape only. The Healthy Eating Pyramid takes into consideration, and puts into perspective, the wealth of research conducted during the last ten years that has reshaped the definition of healthy eating. April 2007
Harvard School of Public Health's Healthy Eating Plate and Pyramid, based on the latest nutrition science, can point you to the healthiest foods. MyPlate, in contrast, fails to give some of the basic nutrition advice people need to choose a healthy diet.
By garoldstone in Public bookmarks with health
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.