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- How to Create Your Own Podcast - A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Podcasting
don’t let things like “RSS file”, “server” or “.mp3 format” scare you. I’m going to show you exactly how to do all of this in the simplest of terms. By the time we’re done, you’ll be podcasting to the world. Kind of exciting, huh?
The simplicity of Podcasting allows anyone to create their own talk show, music program, or specialty audio stream then easily distribute it to the world. It's not very hard, especially with some of the services available. Learn why to do it, how to do it, who are some radio pros doing it, a few legal tips about content, and why a Podcast is better than an Internet radio station.
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By tg2lls in Librarian Tools > Podcast and Video production training & tips with system:unfiled
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