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These are the public entries for this link:
- The Benefits Of Brooklyn Townhouses
The best part of Brooklyn townhouses is that you have the same amenities as the rest of the condo building. You can use the pools, fitness centers and whatever else is included. For more information visit,
By kevinright in Public bookmarks with oosten the-oosten theoosten
- Get unprecedented level of amenities in Williamsburg
Featuring an unprecedented level of amenities, Oosten sets a new standard for living in Williamsburg, if not all of Brooklyn. With two lobbies, a 24-hour concierge, enormous courtyard, landscaped rooftop with a reflecting pool and outdoor grills & etc. For more information visit,
By kevinright in Public bookmarks with oosten the-oosten theoosten
- The Oosten Sets A New Standard For Living In Williamsburg
Featuring an unprecedented level of amenities, with two lobbies, a 24-hour concierge, enormous courtyard, landscaped rooftop with a reflecting pool and outdoor grills, a gorgeous lap pool, and a fitness center with a spa. For more information visit,
By kevinright in Public bookmarks with theoosten
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.