This page shows information about a web page, and who has bookmarked it and when
These are the public entries for this link:
- Sarcasm Society - Sarcasm, Sarcastic Quotes & Humor, Irony, Satire
#sarcasm #humor ########################################################################################################################
Sarcasm, and more sarcasm, along with some tutorials and other sarcastic stuff
comments dark quotes remarks sarcasm sarcastic
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with humor sarcasm
- Sarcasm, Sarcastic Comments, Quotes, Remarks, Dark Sarcasm
Sarcasm, and more sarcasm, along with some tutorials and other sarcastic stuff
comments dark quotes remarks sarcasm sarcastic
By escafeld in Public bookmarks with fun humor humour quotes sarcasm satire
- Sarcasm, Sarcastic Comments, Quotes, Remarks, Dark Sarcasm
Sarcasm, and more sarcasm, along with some tutorials and other sarcastic stuff
comments dark quotes remarks sarcasm sarcastic
By markdykeman in Public bookmarks with humor quotes sarcasm satire
- Sarcasm Society
Sarcastic Comments, Quotes, Remarks, Dark Sarcasm
Sarcasm, and more sarcasm, along with some tutorials and other sarcastic stuff
comments dark quotes remarks sarcasm sarcastic
By HeavyG in Reference with system:unfiled
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.