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- SyncToy
Synchronisationswerkzeug, gleicht den Inhalt zweier Verzeichnisse per Knopfdruck ab; benötigt .Net-Framework ab 2.0
Find valuables tools and utilities from Microsoft ProPhoto to help you view, tag, edit, change and store your digital photos.
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By boernemeier in Software > Dateimanagement with dateimanagement gleicht inhalt per software synchronisationswerkzeug verzeichnisse zweier
- SyncToy for Windows XP
Find valuables tools and utilities from Microsoft ProPhoto to help you view, tag, edit, change and store your digital photos.
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By kapluni in Public bookmarks with infrastructure software windows
- SyncToy for Windows XP
Find valuables tools and utilities from Microsoft ProPhoto to help you view, tag, edit, change and store your digital photos.
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By knuddelbacke in Public bookmarks with backup microsoft software sync tools toy windows xp
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.