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These are the public entries for this link:

  • ReadWriteThink
    This site has many options for activities, including graphic organizers and templates. This site was developed by the International Reading Association. •This site has a wealth of information! •The main categories (tabs) are: Lessons, Standards, Web Resources, and Student Materials “Student Resource” Section: Activities/Templates—There are 49 for grades K-2 and some include ABC match (beginning consonant sounds, short vowels, long vowels), Venn diagram, “letter writer”, story maps, time line, acrostic poems•Words repeat when the speaker icon is clicked•The menu for activities is very helpful because it has a brief description of the activity with a thumbnail sketch. Rec. by Kristi Mulheim
    By jgordon in Literacy with emergent literacy phonics reading
  • Read Write Think
    By jharmon in Reading with system:unfiled

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