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These are the public entries for this link:

  • ETC @ NSC Interactive Whiteboard Links
    Tons of links to interactives from ETC @ NSC. Middle School: MEDtropolis - virtual body;; BBC Science Clips; The Interactive Library; FunBrain;; Try Science; Annenberg CPB - Design a Roller Coaster; SeaWorld "Wild-o-pedia"; Tall Buildings; National Geographic Forces of Nature; FunSchool Science games; Interactive Periodic Table of Elements; Online Gallery - Turning The Pages; Temperature Game; Spaceplace - NASA - interactive science games; Spaceplace - NASA - science animations; BBC Interactive Physics Animations and Activities; BBC Interactive Chemistry Animations and Activities; Engineering Interact - interactive science and engineering for 9-11 yr olds; Invention at Play - Tinker Ball; EdHeads - Virtual Hip Surger...
    By pdboyer in Interactive Whiteboard with iwb links resources whiteboard
  • ETTC @ NSC Interactive Whiteboard Links
    By janwigh in SMART Board with board ettc interactive nsc smart whiteboard

NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.

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