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  • Pool Diver – Underwater Repairs
    Atlantic Pool Leak Detection is a specialist in underwater pool repairs. Our pool divers use state-of-the-art repair techniques and are equipped with tankless scuba gear and specialty tools. We are SCUBA-certified by PADI and can make your underwater repairs fast and affordable!
    By kevinrights in Business > Business with underwater-pool-repairs
  • Preparing Your Pool for a Leak Detection
    Before Atlantic Pool Leak Detection professionals arrive to investigate your potential pool leak, you should first vacuum the pool. Dirt can cover even the smallest of leaks, so having a clean pool is a good start to ensure that any and all leaks can be detected. Make sure the water is clean and clear so that testing is effective. If it is not, the water could contain molds, fungus, larvae, algae, and other contaminants that could make you sick, besides making it almost impossible to test.
    By kevinrights in Business > Business with pool-leak-detection
  • Pool Leak Repair Inspection – We Fix Leaks Underwater!
    Our pool divers will check every inch of your pool interior to locate pool leaks. This includes checking the pool structure (vinyl liner, gunite or fiberglass walls), pool lights, bottom drains, stair gaskets, and all pipes that penetrate the pool walls (returns and skimmers). There is no need to empty your pool or drop the pool water level. We perform underwater pool repairs on hundreds of pools every year!
    By kevinrights in Business > Business with pool-leak-repair

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