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These are the public entries for this link:
- Docebo - A better alternative to Moodle?
Supports 18 languages and can support different didactic models. Including: Blended, Self-Directed, Collaborative and even Social Learning through Chat, Wiki, Forums and 53 other different functions. * Scorm 1.2 and 2004 support * Forum, wiki, chat, videoconference (DimDim and Teleskill) * Competence module and HR software interface * Completly customizable report and business intelligence system * "Area manager" role enabled ....
La suite Open Source Docebo è un sistema di e-learning (LMS - LCMS) e content management (CMS) che consente agli utenti di creare un sistema per la formazione a distanza di livello enterprise.
cms content docebocms doceboframew docebokms docebolms e-learning fad gpl learning lms management mysql open php source system
By fcarb in For Teachers > learning management systems (LMS), CMS, lesson content hosting platforms with system:unfiled
- Open source scorm e-learning platform lms
Docebo is an Open Source e-Learning platform (LMS and LCMS) used in corporate and higher education markets.
The Platform supports 12 languages, is compliant to the SCORM 1.2 standard, and can support different didactic models. Including: Blended, Self-
La suite Open Source Docebo è un sistema di e-learning (LMS - LCMS) e content management (CMS) che consente agli utenti di creare un sistema per la formazione a distanza di livello enterprise.
cms content docebocms doceboframew docebokms docebolms e-learning fad gpl learning lms management mysql open php source system
By jdrsantos in Public bookmarks with cms elearning kms lms open_source php scorm
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.