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Dental Sealants: Cavity Prevention for Groovy Teeth One of the dental treatments that prevent tooth decay is Dental Sealant. Sealants are a low cost non-invasive technique for preventing cavities in children's teeth. Dental sealants are usually placed on the surface of the back teeth (molars) because they are the ones that suffer the most damage. For more information, visit By kevinrightsin Public bookmarkswith dental-sealants
Dental Crowns - Dental Crowns Protect Your Teeth Dental crowns are often required for people who have broken teeth or when the structure of a tooth has been compromised. Dental Crowns are one of the tools dentists use to help protect weak teeth, preventing them from breaking and further disrupting the mouth. For more information, visit By kevinrightin Public bookmarkswith dental-crowns-protect-your-teeth
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