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- Perky Snood
Just wanted to add a little about the Out of the Ordinary Crib Afghan.When I made this years ago, there were more rows of three double crochet, ch 1, 3 dc added around the last row of Granny Squares...and then the picot edge. The first row and the picot edge are of the same color, and the 6 rows in between, contrasted. This makes it a little bit larger afghan.
afghan baby crochet east easy free pattern patterns
By irishdancer0215 in Public bookmarks with bookmarks hair_accessories
- Perky Snood
Just wanted to add a little about the Out of the Ordinary Crib Afghan.When I made this years ago, there were more rows of three double crochet, ch 1, 3 dc added around the last row of Granny Squares...and then the picot edge. The first row and the picot edge are of the same color, and the 6 rows in between, contrasted. This makes it a little bit larger afghan.
afghan baby crochet east easy free pattern patterns
By kiwimac in Annette > Craft with annette craft perky snood
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.