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  • TED | Talks | Vilayanur Ramachandran: A journey to the center of your mind (video)
    TED Talks <p>In a wide-ranging talk, <a href="/speakers/view/id/164" target="_blank">Vilayanur Ramachandran</a> explores how brain damage can reveal the connection between the internal structures of the brain and the corresponding functions of the mind. He talks about phantom limb pain, synesthesia (when people hear color or smell sounds), and the Capgras delusion, when brain-damaged people believe their closest friends and family have been replaced with imposters.</p><p><strong>New:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Download this talk in high resolution &gt;&gt;</a></p>
    By krasi in Public bookmarks with 164 href speakers talks ted view wide-ranging

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