- Rare Disease Information
Plain-language reports on rare diseases, describing symptoms, causes, therapies, and support groups.
in Public bookmarks with anesthesia directory health_sciences journals__articles medicine nursing physical_therapy public_health r reference
- Readers' Guide: Full Text Mega and Retrospective: 1890-1982
1890-present. General, historical events, business, humanities, science, social science.
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- Referencia Latina
General interest Spanish-language database. Includes content from the arts, sports, health, current events, and other popular themes.
in Public bookmarks with journals__articles latin_american__caribbean_studies r spanish
- Regional & Area Studies Collections
Contains collections of resources for Africa, Canada, the Caribbean, Central & Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the British Empire, and historical publications worldwide.
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- Regional Business News
75 journals, magazines, & newswires; updated daily.
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- Revista de Libros
Review of books in Spanish.
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- Revues.org
Open access French-language journals.
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- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text
Comprehensive bibliography of writings about music featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes. Covers 1M+ publications from the early 19th century to the present on traditional, popular, and classical music, and related subjects, enhanced with the full text of more than 200 periodicals.
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- Rock's Backpages
Full-text archive of music journalism covering all types of popular music from the 1960's to the present day.
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- Royal Society of Chemistry journals
Provides full-text access to scholarly journals in chemistry and chemical engineering published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
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- SAE Mobilus
Documents published by the Society of Automotive Engineers from 1998 to the present. Covers advancements in all areas of mobility engineering.
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- SAGE Journals
Access to 400 journals published by SAGE Publications in the areas of communication studies, criminology, education, health sciences, management & organization studies, materials science, political science, psychology, sociology and urban studies & planning.
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- SAGE Research Methods Online
Books, journals, reference books, videos, data-sets and cases on social science research methods, methods map, and project planner.
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- SciELO Citation Index
Access to scholarly literature in sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities published in leading open access journals from Latin American, Portugal, Spain, and South Africa. Mobile app available.
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- Science Citation Index Expanded
Covers over 10,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 110,000 conference proceedings. Mobile app available.
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- Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database
Compiles Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index 1878-1985, Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index 1985-1991, and Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index 1992-1995, including material located since publication of the last printed volume.
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- Science Magazine
in Public bookmarks with astronomy biology chemistry computer_science e-journal(s) engineering geography_planning_and_environment health_sciences journals__articles physics public_health s sciences
- Science Reference Center
Designed to meet every student researcher's needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books, and a vast collection of images.
in Public bookmarks with general_reference journals__articles s sciences
- ScienceDirect (Elsevier Books & Journals Online)
"Why choose this? ScienceDirect has thousands of online books and journals, primarily in the life and physical sciences, technology, and medicine.
Target audience: Researchers in the sciences, technology, business, and social sciences.
What it covers: 2,000+ journals, 35,000+ books, mostly 1996 present."
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- Scopus
International multidisciplinary indexing & abstracting database for scientific, medical, technical, and social sciences.
in Public bookmarks with journals__articles s scholarly_publishing__activity sciences social_sciences
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