A Brief History of Beer If you don t know history, you don t know jack. I m pretty sure that s a real saying. Maybe not. Either way, it never hurts to know a few key dates and/or important figures from the past, you know, in case Trebek ever calls. That goes for you too, alc with beer
abc7.com: Long Island School Principal Bans Halloween Costumes The principal at a high school on New York s Long Island is banning all Halloween costumes at the school. It s partly because of the three senior girls who showed up last year dressed as Captain Underpants, the hero of a series of best-selling children s with halloweentoread
Additional Republican Party Dirty Trick Reported The Department of Justice (DOJ) was reported by the McClatchy Newspapers of putting partisanship ahead of the American people by delaying the prosecution of a key Republican official under investigation for the Republican Party’s criminal phone-jam with republicans