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  • eThemes Resources Listed by Title
    eThemes is an extensive database of content-rich, age-appropriate resources organized around specific themes. These resources are created for educators to use in their classrooms. Many educators use eThemes resources in WebQuests, in student resource lists for research, on classroom websites and in interactive learning activities that use the Internet.
    with classroom education teacher technology webquest by 2 users
  • Search for WebQuests
    San Diego State University has maintained a database of example WebQuests since 1996. This database is kept up to date and weeded out when a link goes bad (as volunteer time permits). As of this writing, the database contains over 2500 WebQuests. You can search for any string of characters in the Title, Description, Author name or URL.
    with database education teacher technology webquests
  • Technology Challenge Grants > WebQuests
    Teachers in the Triton and Patterns Projects learned to integrate technology in the curriculum by developing inquiry-oriented, standards-based curriculum units. Lessons are based on the WebQuest model developed by Bernie Dodge, project consultant and Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University.
    with curricuum education lessons teachers technology webquests
  • WebQuests created by eMINTS teachers | eMINTS
    WebQuests created by eMINTS teachers are available for primary and middle school students in the following subject areas: Communication Arts, Fine Arts, Health/Physical Education, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. WebQuests for high school students are available for Communication Arts and Social Studies. More WebQuests are added as they are evaluated by eMINTS staff.
    with education school technology webquest

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