- Center for Digital Literacy
THE CENTER FOR DIGITAL LITERACY (CDL) and Syracuse University’s iSchool is happy to announce the release of From the Creative Minds of 21st Century Librarians, the first e-book published by CDL for K-12 teacher-librarians. This 275-page free downloadable resource is full of lesson plans that implement AASL’s Standards for the 21st-Century Learner.
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- Dr. Ross J. Todd Home Page
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- FNO -
From Now On is a leading provider of free information to guide school thinking about new technologies.
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- Groups Librarians who LibraryThing | LibraryThing
Librarians who LibraryThing librarians, catalogers, archivists, students... or anyone else who wants to talk about metadata, tagging, FRBR, library 2.0, social software, cataloging, and, of course, LibraryThing!
LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free.
book books catalog cataloging catalogue free library librarything thing your
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- ISTE - SIGMS Wikispaces
SIGMS provides a support network to school library media specialists and others in leadership positions who are working to promote the use of instructional technologies to enhance student learning. It provides a forum where we can consider and explore ways in which we can best use existing and emerging technologies to improve and enhance teaching and instruction, student learning and management, helping students and teachers become competent, critical and ethical users of information.
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- mental_floss magazine
Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix -- mental_floss magazine is an intelligent read, but not too intelligent. We're the sort of intelligent that you hang out with for a while, enjoy our company, laugh a little, smile a lot and then we part ways. Great times. And you only realize how much you learned from us after a little while. Like a couple days later when you're impressing your friends with all these intriguing facts and things you picked up from us, and they ask you how you know so much, and you think back on that great afternoon you spent with us and you smile.
Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.
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- RASL - Rochester Area School Librarians
Our mission is to encourage and support professional growth and development, provide opportunities for sharing common issues, and represent the interests of school library media specialists of the Greater Rochester Area to the New York Legislature, NYSED, and school library affiliates.
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- Resources for School Librarians
A directory of web sites which will assist the K-12 school librarian with the operation of the library and the instruction of students.
center centers collection elementary high information libraries library media middle pages policies school skills web
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- School Library Monthly
School Library Monthly...the Magazine You Will Use Every Day! SLM content supports K-12 school librarians as they plan instruction collaboratively with teachers. It helps strengthen information literacy skills, inquiry and the research process and encourages the use of a variety of resources. It promotes the integration of technology and provides links to a vast array of literature. The articles in each issue are written by school library professionals, helping others stay abreast of current issues and trends.
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- School Library Systems Association of New York State
School Library Systems envision that all members of the school community will be able to obtain and use information to develop ideas, solve problems, create products in order to become productive citizens and to achieve individual potential.
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- SLM Program Evaluation Rubric
NYSED has developed a self-assessment instrument for use by teachers, librarians, students, administrators, parents, and school community members to assess the Library Media Program across 25 different "Essential Elements." The School Library Media Program Evaluation (SLMPE) rubric is recommended for use to create Library Media Program self-assessments that include qualitative and quantitative evidence and aid in development of action plans for program improvements that strive to reach "Proficient" or "Distinguished" status in each "Essential Element", meet higher learning standards, and improve student achievement.
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- SLMS Summit Action Steps - CI&IT
The New York State Education Department (NYSED), NYLA, SLMS, and the School Library System Association of New York (SLSA), co-sponsored a two-day summit to share ideas and to develop recommendations to support increased student achievement within the context of school library services, as they relate to curriculum, instruction, assessments and professional development. The Summit resulted in twelve mutually agreed upon action steps. NYSED commits to posting progress in meeting these actions on a regular basis.
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- Teacher Librarian
Coming soon...
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- U.S. Department of Education - Open Innovation Portal
The Open Innovation Web Portal is a web 2.0 collaboration tool created by the U.S. Department of Education to facilitate educational innovation and collaboration among key stakeholders in education. Within the web portal, entrepreneurs, education stakeholders, and funders can partner to develop and fund innovative ideas in the education sector. All registered users are invited to be “innovators” and post their “solutions” to improve student achievement. In addition, portal users can rate, rank, and provide feedback on posted ideas, and collaborate with other members. Through this collaborative process, the portal will highlight the most promising, innovative ideas in American education.
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- U.S. Department of Education - portal
Open Innovation Portal
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