- How to Reinstall Windows XP Without Losing Your Data
By applegrass in Technology > PC > Windows XP with install reinstall rewrite windowsxp xp by 4 users
- dual-boot Windows XP and Windows Vista
By applegrass in Technology > PC > Windows XP with dual-boot dualboot lifehacker vista windows windowsxp xp
- FileMenu Tools - customize the right-click menu
FileMenu Tools lets you customize the Windows right-click context menu. It also comes with several built-in commands you can add to the right-click menu, like run Command Line From Here, Move To, Copy To, Copy Path, and a whole lot more.
By applegrass in Software > Utilities with filemanagement menu right-click software tool tools utilities utility windowsxp xp
- Switching to a Mac
A guide for PC users switching to Macs
By applegrass in Technology > Apple Mac with applemac howto lifehacker mac pc switch windowsxp xp by 3 users
- windows xp services explained
By applegrass in Technology > PC > Windows XP with serviceprocess services windowsxp xp by 2 users (all private)
- How to triple-boot Windows XP, Vista, and Ubuntu - Lifehacker
By applegrass in Technology > PC > Windows XP with boot hackattack lifehacker ubuntu vista windowsxp xp by 2 users
- How to clean your PC
a list of 7 PC resolutions - those nagging PC activities you should engage in more often but don't - to help you and your computer start off the new year on the right foot. From defragging and backing up your hard drive to organizing your documents, this is a roundup of best practices and automation tools straight from the Lifehacker vault.
By applegrass in Technology > PC > Windows XP with backup bestpractice clearup lifehacker pc pcmaintenance tips windowsxp
- Driver Collector
Driver Collector finds and collects the installed driver files for the hardware you select on your PC. After it collects the files, the program copies to your hard drive, in a specific folder.
... Download Driver Collector 1.2 ...
By applegrass in Technology > PC > Windows XP with drivers hardware reinstallxp windowsxp xp
- Process Library
Process Library now lets you search for and identify all the processes that should - or should not - be running on your computer.
Free online resource for process information. Find the latest information about spywares, adwares, trojans, viruses, system processes and common applications.
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By applegrass in Technology > PC > Windows XP with process processes software windows windowsxp winxp by 5 users
- AlphaXP Lite
AlphaXP Lite is a powerful system enhancement that adds advanced transparency effects to any Windows computer.
ZeroHero Software is home of the award-winning AlphaXP, the most advanced Windows transparency software available today. AlphaXP is regarded by thousands of users worldwide as the system enhancement of choice.
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By applegrass in Software > Multimedia with software transparency windowsxp
Results 21 - 30 for windowsxp
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