- SpringWidgets : Home
By xleed in Public bookmarks with blog design tools web2.0 widget widgets by 18 users
Blog traffic generator.
By ononotme in Public bookmarks with blog traffic widget by 13 users
- Zingfu
ZingFu - 3000 years of photo sharing
college drunk funny humor image images joke out passed photo photos pic pics sharing zing zingfu
By mt1979 in Widget Providers with providers widget zingfu by 7 users
- Blingee
Make your own Glitter Graphics and Profile Comments, Make a Blingee. Create or personalize custom image animation with glitter, comments, graphics, using our generator and your pictures. Pimp your profile, and post the cool profile code on your Myspace, Hi5, Piczo, or Friendster profile layout, or send an Ecard
and blingee blingees blinkie code comment comments glitter graphic graphics ima layout make myspace own photos picture profile
By mt1979 in Widget Providers with blingee providers widget by 7 users
- RockYou
By mt1979 in Widget Providers with providers rockyou widget by 2 users
- Dance off!
Dance Off is a customizable mini-game where you can animate a dancer. The animation system is pretty easy and intuitive. You can upload a face and background, and there's a selection of bodies.
By saldb in Public bookmarks with animate animation blog dance dancing easy flash free fun game games music myspace online photo picture upload widget
Bigoo , myspace, myspace graphics, myspace layouts, myspace layout, myspace code, pimp myspace, myspace help, christmas images
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By mt1979 in Widget Providers with bigoos providers widget by 10 users
- http://widgets.opera.com/widget/4773/download/
By Asterix88 in Papierkorb with 4773 download papierkorb widget
- Intense Debate
with RSS and a manager
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with blogging comments tools widget by 3 users
- Google Reader + Facebook Application = Digg killer? « Scobleizer
Aplikasi Google Reader dalam facebook? Wah, perlu dicoba nih.
By ivanlanin in Public bookmarks with facebook google web2.0 widget
Results 61 - 70 for widget
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