- 32 Indispensable Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet list webdev
- Allan Jardine | Reflections | Design
Design is a suite of web-design and development assistive tools which can be utilised on any web-page. Encompassing utilities for grid layout, measurement and alignment, Design is a uniquely powerful JavaScript bookmarklet.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet ruler tool unit webdev by 9 users
- MRI :: for web developers
Enter selectors in the text field and click the MRI button
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet css webdev
- XRAY :: for web developers
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwestciv.com%2Fxray
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet css webdev
- Soks - ruby wiki
Soks enables collaborative online building of web pages. It is a wiki engine, written in the Ruby programming language. Soks's licence is the free and liberal Ruby license, so please feel free to use and modify soks (though the author would appreciate donations, to be used for a new mac)
The Soks Wiki
soks the wiki
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with csm ruby webdev wiki
- CU3ER - flash 3D image slider!
CU3ER is flash 3D image slider, it's free, easy to set-up, customizable via XML, tailored to provide a unique look
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with 3d flash gallery interactive photo webdev
- Compass
Compass is a stylesheet authoring framework that makes your stylesheets and markup easier to build and maintain. With compass, you write your stylesheets in Sass instead of CSS. Using the power of Sass Mixins and the Compass community, you can apply battle-tested styles from frameworks like Blueprint to your stylesheets instead of your markup. Sass – Sass is part of the Ruby-based project called Haml. It will be installed as a dependency of compass automatically during the next step.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with blueprint css framework sass webdesign webdev by 3 users
- Sublime Text
The text editor you'll fall in love with
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with alternative commercial development editors ide programming python rails software sublime sublimetext text-editor texteditor textmate tool tools utilities webdesign webdev windows by 2 users
- Google Webmaster Central
Welcome to your one-stop shop for webmaster resources that will help you with your crawling and indexing questions, introduce you to offerings that can enhance and increase traffic to your site, and connect you with your visitors.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with google indexing tool webdev
- Super Screenshot!
Enter a URL, and we'll give you a screenshot of the hole page (max medum size
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with generator thumbshot url webdev webpage by 3 users
Results 31 - 40 for webdev
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