The Physics Classroom The Physics Classroom Tutorial A set of instructional pages written in an easy-to-understand language and complemented by graphics and Check Your Understanding sections. An ideal starting location for those grasping for understanding or searching for answers. Multimedia Physics Studios A large collection of GIF animations and QuickTime movies designed to demonstrate physics principles in a visual manner. Each animation is accompanied by explanations and links to further information. Shockwave Physics Studios A collection of pages which feature interactive Shockwave files that simulate a physical situation. Users can manipulate a variable and observe the outcome of the change on the physical situation. The Physics Classroom is an online interactive tutorial of basic physics concepts. The lessons use an easy-to-understand language to present common physics principles discussed in a first-year high school physics course. classroomenerghighinteractivekinematicslawsmomentummotionmultimedianewtonsphysicsprojectilesschooltutorialvectors By pdboyerin Public bookmarkswith animationsexperimentsphysical_sciencephysicssimulationvirtualby 6 users
VideoScience - Experiments for Science Classrooms | Science House Are you a teacher looking for exciting experiments for your classroom? Or a kid who wants to see what you can build from everyday items? These experiments from Science Education Advisor Dan Menelly (winner of the 2010 NSF Einstein Fellowship in Cyberinfrastructure) are designed to inspire and excite kids of all ages. All the experiments use only low cost materials and have very little setup time. Also take a look at our virtual science toolkit of essential classroom items and recommended books for the science classroom. Do you have suggestions of experiments, books or classroom items we can add to this collection? Please leave a comment for us. Like these videos? By pdboyerin Public bookmarkswith excitingexperimentslabsvideovirtual