- Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary
By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory virginia tech multimedia dictionary by 5 users
- MIDI Note to Frequency
By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory midi note frequency
- Power chord theory
By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory power chord
- Synth Secrets
Practical snare drum synthesis
Last month, we revealed just how hideously complex the sound-producing mechanism of the snare drum can be. Nevertheless, synthesizing the sound is not as hard as it seems, as we find out with the aid of a Roland SH101...
By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory practical snare drum synthesis
- Synth Secrets 9
An introduction to VCAs
Having laid bare the inner workings of oscillators, contour generators and filters, Gordon Reid turns his attention to something which at first sight seems entirely self-evident. Can the humble voltage-controlled amplifier really hold on any Synth Secrets?
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By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory introduction vcas
- Tapestry MIDI Studio
By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory tapestry midi studio
- Training Software for Perfect Pitch
Perfect pitch research, theory, and software training
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By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory > Perfect Pitch with subtopia music theory perfect pitch training software
- The Bass Tab Archive
The largest searchable collection of bass tablature on the internet, lessons, software, discussion forums, links and much more!
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By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory > Basslines with subtopia music theory basslines tab archive by 3 users
- Perfect Pitch Links
Web resources on perfect pitch
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By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory perfect pitch
- Statistically Optimal Music
ShinyPlasticBag writes "'Eigenradio makes its optimal music by analyzing in real time dozens of radio stations at once. When our bank of computers has heard enough music, it will go to work on making more just like it. Since we listen to so much music all the time, Eigenradio is always on and always...
By maxbob in Subtopia 17 > Music Theory with subtopia music theory statistically optimal
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