- carto.net SVG tutorial
By cduret in Concept Mapping + rédaction > SVG with concept mapping rédaction svg tutorial by 2 users
- Embedded Vector Editor
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By cduret in Concept Mapping + rédaction > SVG with concept editor embedded mapping rédaction svg vector by 2 users
- Sodipodi SVG editor
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By cduret in Concept Mapping + rédaction > SVG with concept editor mapping rédaction sodipodi svg by 5 users
- Inkscape Manual
Inkscape, Guide to a Vector Drawing Program is the guide to the Inkscape program. The web-based version is linked directly under the program's Help menu. This book is both an introduction and reference for the Inkscape drawing program. With Inkscape, one can produce a wide variety of art, from photo-realistic drawings to organizational charts. Inkscape uses SVG, a powerful vector-b
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By rickb in Internet Technology > SVG with svg by 3 users
- Inkscape. Draw Freely.
Inkscape is a Vector Graphics Editor, similar to Adobe Illustrator, that strives to be SVG Compliant, open source, responsive and extensible.
By jdrsantos in Public bookmarks with drawing editing graphic open_source software svg vectorial by 10 users
- mxGraph
By dreamair in HSR > SA > AJAX in SVG with browser cross svg
- Inkscape. Draw Freely.
Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Supported SVG features include shapes, paths, text, markers, c
Inkscape is a Vector Graphics Editor, similar to Adobe Illustrator, that strives to be SVG Compliant, open source, responsive and extensible.
By jdrsantos in Public bookmarks with editing graphic inkscape open_source software svg vector by 32 users
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification
By jortiz in Tech > Software with reference svg
- GPS Visualizer
GPS Visualizer (GeoVisualizer) is a free utility that creates customizable maps and profiles from GPS data (tracklogs & waypoints), addresses, or coordinates.
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By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with cartography geo geotag gis googleearth googlemaps gps map reference service software svg tech technology tool web by 2 users
- SVG Clipart
Open Clipart library - The largest online repository for high quality public domain vector graphics on the Internet. Free vector images.
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By fanara in Liferay with clipart svg by 38 users
Results 11 - 20 for svg
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