- Visual and Sound Materials Portal
Demonstrator: Search for images, moving pictures and sound (Academic use, access restricted)
By davidbrake in multimedia with audio education film image movie multimedia photo sound stock uk
- Soundin’ Off - ConnPost.com
Bridgeport Sound Tigers
By kbarbdamnit in Public bookmarks with bridgeport sound tigers
- [all variants] ALSA Upgrade Script
Ubuntu Forums
By Azet in Public bookmarks with conf sound
- BallDroppings
BallDroppings instructions: Turn your sound up. Draw lines on the black screen to bounce the balls. Enjoy the music.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with animusic balldroppings balls bounce chrome fun game javascript linerider lines sound by 2 users
- Metallica "Death Magnetic" - Stop The Loudness Wars - Mastering Media Blog
This post is partly my attempt to publicise the damage that the so-called "Loudness Wars" are doing to music. In a nutshell, the continuing arms-race for "loudness at all cost" is now dramatically damaging the music we listen to - even in a traditionally loud, distorted genre like rock. As a result we are given squashed, lifeless and often unpleasantly distorted products to listen to. These are less exciting, less involving, less impactful and ultimately fatiguing to listen to.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with audio loudness mastering metallica music sound wars
- sound immersion (hear sounds above, and behind you using regular headphones. who says you need to buy surround sound?) - flash
By jesus12546 in Barra de marcadores with barra headphones hear immersion marcadores regular sound sounds
- Semantic Satiation
semantic satiation - where rapid seeing/saying repetition of a word, like canoe-canoe-canoe... produces a loss of meaningfulness, but repetition of a nonsense overt response having the same shape, nuka-nuka-nuka...does not.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with look meaningless repetition satiation semantic sound strange word words
- Zendesk
FM3 Buddha Machine Wall
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with 2008 ambient art audio buddhamachine cool drone flash fm3 machine meditation mp3 music relax relaxation shopping sound web whitenoise zendesk by 2 users
- Samsung delivers HT-BD7200 / HT-BD1250 Blu-ray HTIB systems, HT-BD8200 BD soundbar
Engadget HD
By sunny16nyc in Public bookmarks with bedroom samsung sound speakers
- Getting NVidia audio to work in Ubuntu Linux
Nvidia nForce SoundStorm APU: Digital output, Surround and Hardware mixing - Ubuntu Forums
By henrik in Computers > HTPC with audio howto htpc mythbuntu nvidia sound ubuntu
Results 21 - 30 for sound
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