- A List Apart: Topics: Design
Web design, content, and coding. Accessibility, CSS, XHTML, scripting, server side, front and back end. Designing with web standards.
By ankern in web with accessibility coding css design scripting server web xhtml by 4 users
- Square image thumbnails with PHP
Code snippet
php square thumbnails
By jowra in Public bookmarks with php scripting
- JavaScript Triggers
by A List Apart
Using JavaScript triggers to control CSS behaviors
css javascript layers triggers xhtml
By jowra in Public bookmarks with markup scripting semanic xhtml
- Javascript Triggers
Explaining the three Layers: Structure, Presentation, Behaviour
By jowra in Public bookmarks with scripting semantic xhtml
- Spice Up HTML
Blockquote mit automatischer Quellenangabe
Eine kleine (unvollständige) Sammlung, wie Informationen korrekt semantisch erstellt und dann mittels Javascript auch angezeigt werden können.
By jowra in Public bookmarks with javascript scripting xhtml
- Simple XML RSS Aggregator - Apfeltalk
function parseXML
Hi Ihr. Da muss ich euch schon wieder mit XML und PHP nerven. Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir das verzeihen. Wie ihr euch sicher erinnert, hab ich vor nen
aggregator community cube emac forum imac mac macos9 macosx macuser powerbook powermac powermacg3 powermacg5 rss simple xml
By jowra in Public bookmarks with php scripting xml
- PHP Script
Tools for writing and debugging PHP scripts. Database programming with php and mysql
By jowra in Scripting > PHP with editor mysql php scripting
- Programmer Meet Designer
where web developers find web designers
By bruceeisner in Public bookmarks with programming scripting web development design community by 8 users
- index [NekoVM]
Neko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language which can also be used as an embedded scripting language. It has been designed to provide a common runtime for several different languages. Neko is not only very easy to learn and use, but also h
By jdrsantos in Public bookmarks with language neko programming scripting by 2 users
- AutoIt Script Home Page
AutoIt is a freeware Windows automation language. It can be used to script most simple Windows-based tasks (great for PC rollouts or home automation).
AutoIt has been in popular use since 1999 and continues to provide users and administrators with an e
By jdrsantos in Public bookmarks with basic freeware scripting windows by 4 users
Results 121 - 130 for scripting
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