Copy DVD's to hard drive question - SageTV Community Here is a vb script that I hacked together for my own problem. It will ask for the root directory for your source .VOB files and a destination directory to place the converted .MPG files. You can edit with notepad if you're curious to the code. It will call VideoReDo through the COM interface and is hardwired to select the E0 (hex) video program stream and 80 (hex) audio program stream. For multiple language/format material, I found that (so far) these program streams will get you the 16:9 video stream with the Dolby 5.1 english audio. Feel free to change to your needs. By GollyJerin Public bookmarkswith dvdmpgsagetvvob
VideoReDo QuickStream Fix from within SageMC - SageTV Community Here is a batch file that I use. To run quickfix you can drag and drop or setup in Dirmon.QuickfixVRD.batset priority=lowset delOriginal=yesrem "set delOriginal above to yes or no.... yes will delete original mpg and replace with fixed file."rem "if set to no will Quickfix file to tmpEncode directory but will not delete original...."rem "also if set to no will create a file with .QFixed so that dirmon will not re-encode it"set extension=mpgrem ........Do Not Touch %~d1%~p1tmpEncodedel "%~d1%~p1tmpEncode\%~n1.%extension%"START /B /W /MIN /%priority% cscript.exe //nologo "c:\program files\videoredoPlus\vp.vbs" "%~f1" "%~d1%~p1tmpEncode\%~n1.%extension%" /t1 /qif /I "%delOriginal%" EQU "yes" if exist "%~ By GollyJerin Public bookmarkswith sagetv