GlimmerBlocker The problem with other ad-blockers for Safari is that they are implemented as awful hacks: as an InputManager and/or ApplicationEnhancer. This compromises the stability of Safari and very often create problems when Apple releases a new version of Safari. GlimmerBlocker is implemented as an http proxy, so the stability of Safari isn't compromised because it doesn't use any hacks. It is even compatible with all other browsers. By ycc2106in Public bookmarkswith adblockpluginsafariby 2 users
Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » The FOUC Problem FOUC stands for Flash of Unstyled Content. This situation occurs whenever a Web browser ends up showing your Web page’s content without having any style information yet. It’s an interesting technical problem, because when/how a browser ends up committing the crime of FOUCing depends heavily on how the browser’s engine is architected and on interesting assumptions made by Web site authors when designing their sites. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith davefouchyattsafariwebkit