- Stephen R. Anderson
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with anderson linguistics phonologists stephen
- Jeff Mielke
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with jeff linguistics mielke phonologists
- John Goldsmith
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with goldsmith john linguistics phonologists
- Joe Pater
Typology of segmental processes, exceptions to phonological generalizations (OT).
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with joe linguistics pater phonologists
- David Embick
cognitive science
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with david embick linguistics phonologists
- Bill Poser
Bill Poser's Home Page
carrier dakelh japanese language linguistics
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with bill linguistics phonologists poser
- Armin Mester
Research interests:
Phonology; prosodic phonology, and its influence on word structure; optimality theory.
My work in linguistics focuses on the surprisingly simple and general organizing principles that give rise to the rich variety of prosodic structures found in human language.
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with armin linguistics mester phonologists
- Junko Ito
Research interests
Phonological theory and the structure of words, in particular, as they relate to syllable theory, underspecification, and prosodic minimality. Since my dissertation, which developed a prosodic theory of the syllable (coda condition, prosodic licensing, etc.), my work has been concerned with constraint-based phonological theory
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with ito junko linguistics phonologists
- Elisabeth Selkirk
I work primarily in phonological theory and on the interfaces of phonology with other components of grammar. In recent years I have been pursuing my long-standing interest in the syntax-phonology interface, in particular as it involves intonation, and have been interested in intonation as it relates to meaning. Much of my work at the syntax-phonology interface has centered on the system of constraints for relating syntactic phrase structure to prosodic constituent structure, and on the interaction of these constraints with properly phonological constraints in determining the prosodic structure organization of the sentence.
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with elisabeth linguistics phonologists selkirk by 2 users
- John Coleman
By mcswell in Linguistics > Phonologists with coleman john linguistics phonologists
Results 11 - 20 for phonologists
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