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- 15 Coolest Firefox Tricks Ever
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- WordPress: The Complete Post-Install Checklist
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By applegrass in Web Culture > Blog hacks > Wordpress with downloadsquad optimize wordpress by 3 users (all private)
- Consolidate Firefox's user interface
There are bunch of unnecessary buttons, menus and doodads in the Firefox control area (the "chrome") that you don't need, taking up space you could be using to see and do more with your web pages and tabs.
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By applegrass in Software > Utilities with harddrive hd lifehacker optimize
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XP Myths is a page dedicated to educating us out of applying every little tweak that we run across online, by explaining which ones are myths, and what they actually do, including references.
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- TechBuilder
23 Ways To Speed WinXP <i>Without</i> Defrag
Still defragmenting disks to speed customers' PCs? Try these proven techniques instead.
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- Optimize 2000
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- Clean CSS - A Resource for Web Designers - Optmize and Format your CSS
Optimize and format your CSS using a variety of different compression settings. Fixes sloppy code and generates clean and concise CSS.
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