Ned Batchelder: Stop motion with wolf and pig Stop motion with wolf and pig is an inspired video. It's meta-stop-motion: still photos as individual frames of an animation, laid out and photographed again to create movement. Throw in clever use of apartment geometry as geography and a simple story line, and you have one of those charming animations that re-demonstrates the potential of the technique. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith animationbatcheldermotionphotospigstopstopmotionwolf
Yawcam - Yet Another Webcam Software Video streaming .: Image snapshots .: Built-in webserver .: Motion detection .: Ftp-upload .: Text and image overlays .: Password protection .: Online announcements for communities .: Scheduler for online time .: Multi languages Requirements: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 or later. DirectX 9 or later. Windows Media Player 9 or later. Windows 2000/XP/Vista By ycc2106in Public bookmarkswith detectormotionmswindowsschedulersoftwarestreamingwebcamby 6 users