Map Builder creación de mapas en línea para ser colocados en güebs MapBuilder lets you tag locations on a map and publish it on your own site. Mapping is now easy than ever. It's free. MapBuilder is a tool to generate HTML/JavaScript/AJAX source code with Google Maps API calls that you can copy and paste into your own site. Excellent resource to get started with google maps. MapBuilder is an example of Web2.0 Service. Explore maps created by othe ajaxconsultinggooglemapsphpphp5 By simpliciusin Importados_yahoo_201207 > Uncategorizedwith colocadoscreacióngüebslíneamapasuncategorizedby 17 users
The TAO of Topic Maps Topic maps are a new ISO standard for describing knowledge structures and associating them with information resources. As such they constitute an enabling technology for knowledge management. Dubbed %u201Cthe GPS of the information universe%u201D, topic m By oiromeroin Public bookmarkswith inglesmapasby 2 users