- Adobe - Font Development Kit for Opentype
AFDKO is for adding OpenType data to existing fully-designed PostScript and Truetype fonts, and for proofing them. It does not offer tools for designing or editing glyphs.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with font mac mswindows software tool
- Gmail Plugin for Contacts and Attachments | MailBrowser
MailBrowser is a free Gmail™ Plugin that helps you easily manage your contacts and attachments
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with contact gmail mac manager software by 2 users
- Apple Training and Certification
By medavies in Public bookmarks with mac training
- DoubleCommand
keyboard key-mapping control for MacBook Pro
By meHands in Tech & Comp > Mac with 10.6 mac software
- 25 Free Mac Apps That Will Boost Your Productivity
Smashing Magazine
By sunny16nyc in Public bookmarks with mac by 2 users
- Nervian
CardReader Pro
By sunny16nyc in Public bookmarks with cardreader mac
- Sequential 2 - Main
Sequential is an image viewer for Mac OS X. It was originally designed for opening a folder of images and displaying them in order. It works well for viewing comics and manga. Sequential can display folders and archives (ZIP, RAR, CBZ and CBR) of images (including JPEG, PNG, and GIF) and PDF files. It is able to load images on the internet from a page or image URL. Sequential has mature full screen support and can display images' Exif data.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with exif free mac photo software viewer
- MAMP: Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP
MAMP installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your Mac OS X computer, be it PowerBook or iMac. Like similar packages from the Windows- and Linux-world, MAMP comes free of charge. MAMP is installed in the typical Mac fashion: very easily. MAMP will not compromise any existing Apache installation already running with your OS X. You can install Apache, PHP and MySQL without starting a script or having to change any configuration files!
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with apache mac php software
- Comipro
Mac illustration software
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with comic editor illustration mac software
- Main Page - Synfig Animation Studio
Synfig eliminates the task of manual tweening, producing smooth, fluid motion without the animator having to draw out each frame individually. This allows you to produce 2D animation with fewer people while producing art of a higher quality.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with 2d animation linux mac mswindows opensource software
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