- AREA 17 MEDIA™ | An Interactive Agency
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QML quests run in the Internet Explorer
QML, the Quest Markup Language, is a free XML-based Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game system. Adventures can have images, sound, states to check, random events and much more.
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- Analog Devices Interactive Design Tools OpAmps Active Filter Synthesis (BETA)
A simple tool for designing active filters using voltage-feedback opamps.
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Multiple Sequence Alignment Interactive Editor
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- StudyWorks Interactive Geometry
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- World Kit
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- Chantzinteractive.com :: Portfolio Site of Chantz Pannha v2.0
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- Smart Guest Book 2.0
Flash and ASP GuestBook - Enhanced Version - Interactive, animated and low maintenance
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- Awesome Library - K-12 Education Directory
Awesome Library organizes the Web with 28,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.
Awesome Library organizes 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent for teachers, students, parents, and librarians. It includes a search engine.
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