- Teenager moves video icons just by imagination
Researchers have enabled a 14-year-old to play a two-dimensional video game using signals from his brain instead of his hands.Teenage boys and computer games go hand-in-hand. Now, a St. Louis-area teenage boy and a computer game have gone hands-off, thanks to a unique experiment conducted by a team of neurosurgeons, neurologists, and engineers at Washington University in St. L
biomedical brain cortex devices epilepsy games imagination prosthetics video waves
By mfog in Public bookmarks with brain hci science spaceinvaders
- Doug Engelbart 1968 Demo
By nibblebot in Public bookmarks with hci showcase by 2 users
- Struktur
By mfog in Public bookmarks with architecture artikler hci ia information informationsarkitektur intranet ua usability viden
- Inference Group
Dasher Project: Home
By nibblebot in Public bookmarks with hci software ui by 2 users
- Le «blog personnel» de Joe Clark » Web usability for older people
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with age aging blog clark elderly fawny hci joe older people senior usability web
- HCI Bibliography : Human-Computer Interaction / User Interface Usability
HCI Bibliography : Human-Computer Interaction Resources
The HCI Bibliography (HCIBIB) is a free-access bibliography on Human-Computer Interaction, with over 60,000 records in a searchable database. HCIBIB.ORG is also one of the premier portals to high-quality information on the development of usable software and Web-based systems.
bibliography computer design hci human human-computer index interaction interface link portal the usability user webliography
By oiromero in Public bookmarks with hci ingles by 9 users
- The Apple Motion Sensor As A Human Interface Device
By mfog in Public bookmarks with ams hci ibook motion powerbook sms
- World Usability Day
World Usability Day was created to help everyone know more about the ways to help create a better user experience of our world.
World Usability Day promotes the value of usability engineering, user-centered design, and every user's responsibility to ask for things that work better.
accessibility day standards usability web world wud
By mfog in Web konferences & events with hci usability by 2 users
- Flash Usability and Web-Based Applications
In usability tests of 46 Flash applications, we identified several basic issues related to Web-based functionality's ephemeral nature. (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, Nov. 25, 2002)
Usability tests of 46 Flash applications identified basic issues related to the ephemeral nature of Web-embedded apps. Some findings restate old truths about GUIs; others reflect the Net's new status as nexus of the user experience.
application applications bar ephemeral flash internet-based macromedia scroll scrollbar scrolling web-based weblications
By mfog in User Experiences with flash gui hci interface ria rich usability
- DUX 2005 Conference
DUX2005 will gather together researchers and practitioners of all the design disciplines and related fields to share their stories and experiences on how the needs and goals of both users and businesses are met through design.
By mfog in Web konferences & events with design hci konferences usability
Results 31 - 40 for hci
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