Halogen light bulbs « Trying to be Green When we got a new kitchen last year our builder put in halogen lights - 12 of them, each at 50W. Making a grand total of 600W of power every time we turn on the lights. Which is a lot of the time at this time of year. They are often on from 5pm until 11pm. From using our electricity monitor we can see that this is the biggest drain on our electricity use. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith commentfrancoisgreenhalogen
Apple - Support - Discussions - Why has my Mac mini become so slow? ... In a word, it comes down to lag. Every operation which used to be instant when the Mac was new, now has a delay of anything from half a second to over 10 seconds. It feels like walking in mud. And it's always the first time I do something I haven't done for a few minutes -- if I repeat the same operation immediately afterwards, it's instant. Long delays are often (but not always) accompanied by the beachball -- which I see a lot. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith applecommentforumfrancoismacminislowsupport