- Annotation-Based Validation with the Spring Bean Validation Framework
By jendrek in Programmierung > Java > Spring with framework spring validation
- The 1Kb CSS Grid by Tyler Tate :: A simple, lightweight approach
Other CSS frameworks try to do everything—grid system, style reset, basic typography, form styles. But complex systems are, well, complex. Looking for a simple, lightweight approach that doesn't require a PhD? Meet The 1Kb CSS Grid. »
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with 1kbgrid css framework grid lightweight tate tyler by 2 users
- 960 Grid System
Essence The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem
By errant in Web > Designers with css framework web-authoring by 14 users
- ScriptCase
Framework PHP Ajax. Ranmverk för att generera php och ajax kod snabbare. KOstar dock pengar.
By vbdata in PHP Framework with ajax code framework generators php software
- 30 Essential Controls
By VitaminCM in Public bookmarks with ajax framework javascript ria web_design web_development
- Qt – A cross-platform application and UI framework
Qt – A cross-platform application and UI framework Develop applications and user interfaces once, and deploy them across Windows, Mac, Linux/X11, embedded Linux, Windows CE and S60 (coming soon) without rewriting the source code.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with cross-platform developer framework opensource software tools ui by 2 users
- Developing a Ajax-driven Shopping Cart with PHP and Prototype
Verkar vara en skyst lösning... testa denna..
By vbdata in Public bookmarks with ajax cart framework php webdesign
- Catholicism Computes » Ramaze + Phusion Passenger
By aunderwo in Public bookmarks with framework passenger ramaze ruby
- Click Framework
By jendrek in Programmierung > Java with click framework java jee velocity web
- Wicket: A simplified framework for building and testing dynamic Web pages
By jendrek in Programmierung > Java with framework java web wicket
Results 21 - 30 for framework
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