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By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Chat with 6703 chat courses edui week yahoo by 4 users (all private)
- Audio and Video Online
By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Readings on Graph & MM with 6703 audio courses edui graph readings video week
- Accessible Multimedia
By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Readings on Graph & MM with 6703 accessible courses edui graph multimedia readings week
- The Big Picture
There's plenty of advice out there telling not to make your pictures and graphics too large, but what does 'too large' mean, especially when it come to email or a web page? Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and talk actual file sizes.
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By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Readings on Graph & MM with 6703 big courses edui graph picture readings week
- Vector vs Bitmap Graphics
This short whitepaper should serve as a reference to both client and designer; an attempt to articulate, in an understandable manner, the primary differences between these two graphic types and explore the areas where usage of each is most appropriate.
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- Podcasting for Dummies
By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Podcasting with 6703 courses dummies edui podcasting week
- Learn how to create podcasts
By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Podcasting with 6703 courses edui podcasting podcasts week
- Seven things you should know about podcasting
By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Podcasting with 6703 courses edui podcasting seven things week
- E-Learning Center
By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Open Course with 6703 courses e-learning edui open week by 2 users
- Dokeos
By BervinS in Courses > EDUI 6703 > Week 4 > Open Course with 6703 courses dokeos edui open week by 3 users
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