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- Biofuels 'a threat, not our saviour' | Metro.co.uk
Biofuels 'a threat, not our saviour' Tuesday, May 8, 2007 Traffic jam Biofuels will cause serious environmental and social damage instead of saving the planet, a UN report is warning. The supposedly eco-friendly products would have to be grown on millions
Biofuels will cause serious environmental and social damage instead of saving the planet, a UN report is warning.
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- Saving The Planet With Ethos... :: View topic - Global warming study warns of vanishing climates
By the end of the century up to two fifths of the land surface of the Earth will have a hotter climate unlike anything that currently exists, according to a study that predicts the effects of global warming on local and regional climates. And in the worst
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- Saving The Planet With Ethos... :: View topic - Climate-change challenge converting yesterday's competitors
Queensland is the world’s largest coal exporter and South Africa the second-largest, which make the two natural partners in the campaign to produce clean coal timeously and thereby save the industry, said Queensland premier Peter Beattie. In a flying vi
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- Saving The Planet ... :: View topic - The freshwater boom is over. Our rivers are running dry
The freshwater boom is over. Our rivers are running dry We can avert global thirst - but it means cutting carbon emissions by 60%. Sounds ridiculous? Consider the alternative It looks dull, almost impenetrable in places. But if its findings are verifie
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- Saving The Planet With Ethos... :: View topic - *** Save the Planet ***
If only more companies as well as individuals would take up what is necessary in doing their part in Saving the Planet. Reduce their emissions and start making use of carbon credits - even if you don't trust some of the carbon credit schemes out there, pl
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